
Central heating installation, repairs and maintenance

Our Gas Safe registered plumbing and heating engineers will design, install, maintain or repair your central heating system. Whether you are looking to maintain your current system or install a new boiler system for domestic or commercial purposes, our knowledgeable engineers will help you make the most cost effective and environmentally friendly choice.

We are able to design, install, maintain and repair all of the heating systems below. For more information on the most appropriate heating system for you, please get in touch.


Combination Boilers

A popular solution for landlords and smaller properties, the combination boiler offers an environmentally and financially friendly option by only heating the water you use.

Combination boilers het water directly from the mains when you turn on a tap meaning you won’t need a hot water storage cylinder or cold-water storage take making this an ideal option in properties with little or no loft space.

+ Compact and highly economical. Ideal for single bathroom properties
+ Less pipework required typically makes installation cheaper
— Doesn’t support simultaneous demand


High Pressure System

Mains pressure hot water systems provide hot water through the taps in your home by drawing cold water from the mains at which point your boiler heats it. It is then stored in an unvented cylinder until required. When you use a tap in your house, the cold water from the mains forces the heated water into the central heating system and out through the tap.

As the pressure at the tap is dictated by the pressure of the mains, you want to be sure that your mains pressure and flow rate is strong enough to power a mains driven central heating system.

+ Enhanced pressure compared to gravity fed system
+ No need for header tank in loft, freeing up valuable space
— More costly to install and requires a certificate of annual maintenance


Gravity Fed

The most common hot water system in the UK, a gravity fed water heating system generally involves a cold-water tank in the roof and a hot water cylinder in the airing cupboard. It uses your boiler to heat water for your radiators and taps. The water that descends from the tank in your loft to your taps and radiators is done so purely by gravity. Therefore, the amount of pressure you receive from your taps is directly proportional to the distance of those taps to the tank.

+ Safest type of hot water system for domestic use as it is fully vented
+ Works well alongside a pressure boosting pump
— Very low pressure without addition of a pump


Get in touch

If you require one of the services above or just have a question please get in touch.

Contact us