Underfloor heating

Domestic & Commercial

Nomadic Plumbing and Heating can design, install and repair all underfloor heating systems for both domestic and commercial properties. Whether new build, renovation or home extension, warm water underfloor heating system can provide a reliable, robust solution for your home.

Underfloor heating works by distributing a lower temperature of warm water through a circuit of pipes beneath the finished floor. Heat is monitored and controlled by intelligent thermostats to maintain a consistent temperature throughout the property or individual zones. As the system is effective at lower temperatures, it provides a cost-effective method of heating. Underfloor heating can be used to warm your floors or act as a primary heat source, replacing your radiators.

+ Separate controls for every room add comfort and cut costs
+ no hot or cold spots, consistent temperature throughout
+ space saving without need for radiators


Underfloor Heating Types


Wet underfloor heating consists of a network of pipes installed under your floor that is connected to your boiler. These pipes are then filled with hot water to heat your room. The addition of a wet underfloor system to your home will require taking up your existing flooring and placing a network of pipes within the space, covering the piped with an insulating material and covering with surface flooring.


Dry systems consist of electrical wires or mesh sheets that are placed beneath the surface of your floor. The wires generate heat that is distributed through the mesh sheet.


Get in touch

If you require one of the services above or just have a question please get in touch.

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